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Sustaining Dense and having a shorter pile


Dense and having a shorter pile, keeping this kind of pitch wet will certainly both extend life and make for faster and much more exhilarating play. Comprehensive irrigation is essential so as to keep the surface in great shape. Persistent watering is crucial here, so keeping on top of any piled up mould is vital with continual cleaning vital in all weather conditions.

Best Foot Forward

There’s no doubt you’re able to help things along by inspiring athletes to put on boot-wear appropriate for the surface. Sports people have plenty of assistance and fashions available. Excellent quality play can even be enhanced alongside a frequent pitch maintenance schedule. In fact, they can long outlive a surface guarantee with the right attention and care.

Diagnosing For Excellence

We’re especially experienced with strategies used to measure the condition of your hockey pitch, including ball roll testing, slip resistance and even water drainage. Everyone of these factors may also help both to increase the quality of your sports center and help us create the ideal maintenance routine, in order to keep your hockey playing surface in the best possible state.
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